
Dear Social Justice Connect partners,

Over the past five years, we have had the privilege of growing an idea of how to better connect those interested in advocating for social justice into an active, robust website since it went live in August of 2020.

With your support, we are proud to have shared information about over 490 events across the Colorado Front Range, with over 17,000 page views and more than 500 subscribers to our weekly mailing list.

Despite how much this project has meant to us, we find ourselves in a time when the stakes are higher and there is a greater urgency to building a more just future, both locally and nationally. Because of this, our team members have collectively decided to devote our energies to other projects, and will be discontinuing the Social Justice Connect website.

We are so appreciative of both the work that you are doing to promote social justice in our communities, and of your partnership in what has truly been a labor of love for our team. Thank you.